680 research outputs found

    Toward Reliable Power Electronics: Challenges, Design Tools, and Opportunities

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    An Interlinking Converter for Renewable Energy Integration into Hybrid Grids

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    DC/DC pretvarači za motorne pogone – koncept, dizajn i unaprijedno upravljanje

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    Solar photovoltaics is one of the most promising technologies for the non-carbon based electricity production. Power electronics is therefore necessary. In this paper a converter is analyzed which makes it possible to control the mean value of the output voltage, this is e.g. the voltage across a DC machine (and therefore the speed) from zero up to three times of the input voltage. The converter is also useful for charging batteries. The model of the drive, the design of the devices, the control features are discussed, feed-forward control based on solving the limit cycle is designed, some experimental results, and hints for the design are given.Solarni paneli jedni su od najznačajnijih sustava za proizvodnju električne energije koja se ne temelji na ugljenu. U te svrhe nužno je korištenje učinske elektronike. U ovome radu analiziran je ispravljač koji omogućuje upravljanje srednjom vrijednosti izlaznog napona, tj. napona u odnosu na DC uređaj (stoga i upravljanje brzinom) u rasponu od nule pa do tri puta razine izlaznog napona. Ispravljač se također može koristiti za punjenje baterija. Model i dizajn uređaja zajedno sa sustavom upravljanja opisani su u radu. Prikazano je unaprijedno upravljanje temeljeno na rješavanju graničnih ciklusa, dani su eksperimentalni rezultati te su prikazane pojedinosti dizajniranja uređaja

    Embedded EZ-Source Inverters

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    An Isolated Bidirectional Single-Stage Inverter Without Electrolytic Capacitor for Energy Storage Systems

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